Saturday, April 23th 2016
Ospedale Regionale di Lugano, Civico, Aula Magna
08h00 Arrival and registration
08h20 Welcome F. Del Grande
08h30 MRI and MR arthrography of rotator cuff tears: the radiologist perspective F. Becce
08h50 MRI and MR arthrography of rotator cuff tears: the surgeon perspective C. Candrian
09h10 MR Imaging assessment of rotator cuff muscle quality C. Pfirrmann
09h30 MR Imaging after rotator cuff surgery J. Fritz
09h50 Discussion F. Del Grande
10h00 Break
10h30 Imaging of osteoarthits and inflammatory arthropathy of the shoulder A. Zerbi
10h50 MR Imaging of acromio-clavicular and sternoclavicular joint J. Carrino
11h10 MR neurography of the cervical plexus and shoulder girdle G. Andreisek
11h30 Discussion
11h40 MR Imaging of shoulder injuries in Overhead athletes J. Carrino
12h00 MR Imaging of the rotator cuff interval, pulley and frozen shoulder C. Pfirrmann
12h20 Discussion F. Del Grande
12h30 Lunch
13h30 MR Imaging of shoulder instability A. Hirschmann
13h50 MR Imaging of shoulder instability: What should I know and what can I do as a surgeon C. Candrian
14h10 Discussion
14h20 Principles of shoulder arthroplasty for radiologists K. Wieser
14h40 Technical corner: metal artifact reduction – arthroplasty R. Sutter
15h00 Discussion
15h10 The most challenging and common pitfalls in shoulder MR Imaging F. Del Grande
15h30 3D MR Imaging of the shoulder: past, present and future J. Fritz
15h50 Discussion F. Del Grande
16h00 Conclusion F. Del Grande