The Balgrist MR Course of Joints

The Balgrist MR Course of Joints

The traditional Balgrist MR Course of Joints will take place the 30th and 31st of August 2019.Join us for structured lectures including MR anatomy, MR findings of joint injuries and review of the latest literature. The course features interactive sessions...

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MR-Arthrographie Basiskurs

MR-Arthrographie Basiskurs

Freitag, 22. November 2019, 08.30 – 15.30 Uhr Kleiner Hörsaal OST, UniversitätsSpital Zürich, Gloriastrasse 29, 8091 Zürich 08.30 Uhr Einführung / Moderation Dr. Stefano Omari, Guerbet AG, Zürich PD. Dr. Roman Guggenberger, UniversitätsSpital...

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